
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Announcing COVID-19 testing at our location!

We now offer both rapid and send-out nasal swab testing for COVID-19. By appointment only, done from your vehicle. Call the office at 901-910-3246 to schedule an appointment.

We are closely monitoring developments in the COVID-19 outbreak. Below is a helpful link to the Center for Disease Control's website with more information including who is at highest risk for serious illness and how to prevent infection.

Please call if you have respiratory symptoms including fever, shortness of breath, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. We can direct you further on your care.

 Visit the CDC's website for more information: 

Please see the following updates regarding clinic policies surrounding COVID-19 and availability of Telehealth at Allmon Internal Medicine.

April 4, 2020, Allmon Internal Medicine / Dr. J. Michelle Allmon

Dear Patients and Caregivers,

As we continue to monitor the coronavirus situation, we are changing our COVID-19 protocols to protect our patients, their caregivers and our healthcare team as new information and guidance from the CDC becomes available. This is an update based on the latest CDC recommendations.

If you call our office for an appointment, an individual will screen you for any respiratory symptoms or fever. If you have any respiratory symptoms, you will be asked to schedule a Telehealth appointment rather than being seen in the office. If patients need to be seen due to suspected COVID-19 infection, they will be directed to a facility where COVID-19 testing can be done. We are not testing for COVID-19 in our office.

If you walk-in to our practice, we will have signage at the entrance directing everyone with respiratory symptoms to remain in their vehicle and call the front desk for instructions. 

New facial covering policy: All patients who are seen in the office will now be required to wear some type of mouth and nose cloth covering for the entire time you are in the office, including while in the exam room for the appointment. If you do not bring a cover with you, we will provide you with one. This is based on the CDC’s recommendation that everyone wear a face cover while in public in places where 6 feet of social distancing is difficult. You can find out more information at

Visitor Policy remains the same:
  • We will limit 1 visitor/family member to all patients. Other visitors/family members will need to wait in their vehicle please.
  • If your visitor/family member is sick (fever, sore throat, cough or any other flu-like symptoms), please find another responsible caregiver to escort you to the office.
Our staff has increased our cleaning frequency and cleaning of surfaces to high touch areas. 

Please know we are continuing to actively monitor and follow the CDC and State Health Department guidelines through this rapidly evolving situation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our team members. We can be reached via messages on our patient portal or by calling us at: 901-910-3246.

Thank you for your cooperation and help to keep our patients and team members safe. We will continue to post updates on our website as this situation changes.

J. Michelle Allmon, M.D.

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